The wounded heart by dr dan b allender
The wounded heart by dr dan b allender

the wounded heart by dr dan b allender

For instance, Winship shrinks biblical identities shared by all believers (priest, son, ambassador, etc) to only certain individuals and ignores corporate identities (bride, body, etc). There is truth here, although I think Winship's conception of identity misses some biblical truths.

the wounded heart by dr dan b allender

Winship's own identity, for instance is "militant peacemaker." Quoting David Benner, Winship tells us, “We do not find our true self by seeking it. Winship believes that we need to uncover our unique God-given identity. It's the softest and most powerful part of the book. He shares about his own struggle with alcoholism. Winship is at his best in the concluding chapters of the book where he invites the reader to consider the impact of shame on our lives. Jamie Winship is a former police officer and missionary who writes "Living Fearless" in order to urge us to live in a manner according to our God-given identity. If you want to discover the incredible difference abiding in Christ will make in your life and faith, get ready to do "a new thing" with God.

the wounded heart by dr dan b allender the wounded heart by dr dan b allender

With humor, clarity, and real-life practicality, Living Fearless is your invitation to listen closely to what God is trying to say to you about himself, about the person he created you to be-and also about all those other people he created and loves. Unpacking the power of knowing our true identity in Christ, Winship takes us on a journey of telling ourselves the truth, changing our mindsets, and experiencing actual life transformation that leads to radical courage in the face of all that life throws at us. Until we exchange what's false for what's real, we will never experience being fully alive, fully human, and fully free. Jamie Winship spent nearly 30 years living and working in conflict zones, and during that time he has learned an important all human conflict originates from fear, and fear originates from a false view of God, ourselves, and others.

The wounded heart by dr dan b allender