Undocumented by Tings Chak
Undocumented by Tings Chak

Proceeds from the sale of each book go to the End Immigrant Detention Network.As part of the exhibition DETENTION with Sheena Hoszko at A Space Gallery. How we can place human life below that of animals and when we started to believe the lives of migrants were worth less than our own. Her book asks readers to consider why we are so willing to treat those who seek better lives out of fear and desperation worse than we do murderers and rapists, why we allow corporate entities to profit from their suffering.

Undocumented by Tings Chak

Chak’s book includes comics, architectural sketches, and interviews with both former detainees in the Canadian system (not dissimilar to the American system) and those working to protect the rights of those of people being held in deplorable conditions for indefinite periods of time, delving deep past sanitized press releases and newscasts, past photo ops and scare tactics to put the true horrors of migrant detention on display. Undocumented explores the growth of the detention industry in the era of militarized borders, the big brother state, and criminalized migration. It will also help those who are trying to explain those selves to others they aren’t alone and they deserve to be acknowledged and respected.

Undocumented by Tings Chak

Not only does it serve to education those who haven’t quite gotten there on the errors in their thinking and the damage their assumptions can do friends, loved ones, and clients to demonstrate to them the additional emotional work they’re forcing on folx who are already making a hell of a lot of often painful day to day effort to be acknowledged in who they are.

Undocumented by Tings Chak

Absolutes are comforting? Habits are ingrained? We…have to fill out bubbles on standardized tests somehow? *shrug emoji* Regardless, those of us who don’t fit molds make the majority uncomfortable, which is why Breena Nuñez’s comic “How Do You Translate Non-Binary?” in the Be Gay Do Comics anthology is so vitally important.

Undocumented by Tings Chak

They may be able to visualize a spectrum but those spectrums have pretty tight parameters and anything that doesn’t fit along the line as established by the majority is… problematic. People who see the world in binaries think in either/ors.

Undocumented by Tings Chak