Cussy is caring, intelligent, and (thanks to her mother) very well read. Evans tolerate Cussy, despite their discomfort over her difference. To Doc, she is a medical curiosity to be studied, while to Pastor Vester Frazier she is a devil to be feared. Cussy’s blue skin marks her as different in her primarily white community. As a Pack Horse librarian, she works with Eula Foster, Harriet Hardin, Birdie, and Queenie Johnson. From him, she inherits her faithful mule, Junia. She is briefly married to Charlie Frazier, becoming his widow when he dies of a heart attack on their wedding night. She lives with just her Pa (Elijah Carter), since her mother died of influenza several years before the events in the book.

She also happens to have noticeably blue skin, thanks to hereditary methemoglobinemia that she inherited from her parents, both of whom were “Blues.” Cussy’s great-grandfather immigrated to the United States from Cussy, France, after which she is named.

Cussy Mary Carter is a 19-year-old librarian with the Pack Horse Library project in rural eastern Kentucky her job is to bring books to far-flung patrons in the mountains.